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#LoveIsLove WIP

LIL LoveIsLove

September 19, 2016

Need to write a different post about packing for a motorcycle trip overnight; doubled my space when John said I could take a backpack and bungee it to the sissy bar.  Regardless, I was going to carry my knitting.  Wound off enough black to knit two rounds; hoped to make it into the next hearts round. 

Planning yarn needed for a weekend's knitting.

Ran out of navy, and time, before I finished the Feathers and Fan round. 

Waiting for Kickstands Up at the 7th Foxtail Ride, sponsored by Fox Creek Leather.  106 bikes.

 That's a 2016 Indian Chief Dark Horse.

September 13, 2016

Have a chance to post today; don't expect to get much knitting completed until sometime next week.  Almost done with the fifth ring; 12 hearts in this ring, 18 total.  31 to go.

LIL Ring5 end

Shading into greenish yellow with some shiny cotton. Very slippery. The shawl is at least 36" in diameter (probably larger); it's difficult to find a way to lay it out flat enough to show the color work, when it's on a 24" needle.

September 5, 2016 Labor Day Monday

On Labor Day Monday, 2000, my house was struck by lightning.  The lightning ran down a tree and along its roots, jumped to the water in this crack in the porch, knocking some concrete out, and then crossed to the doorbell wiring and ran through the house along that circuit.  I was sitting on the couch near the front door.

Repaired divot in concrete porch created by lightning strike.

The divot has since been patched and covered with blue tile.  The tile is on the front of the step, facing the street.

Some years later, a neurosurgeon listened to my story about the strike, looked at the geometry of the strike and where I was at the time, and said, "That was electroshock."  I date the beginning of my professional art career to that lightning strike.  My thinking was clearly different afterwards.

Today, working in Ring 5, the second of the Heart Rings. 

Halfway through Ring 5, creating 12 hearts.

Donna Druchunas has designed 49 hearts into this shawl, one for each of the victims. 

Testing teal mohair against a rainbow from a chandelier

Suspect the teal mohair will not last the ring and will shift to a yellowy green if I run out.


September 2, 2016

Work at the end of Round 3 Hearts, about to knit the increase row before Round 4 Feathers and Fan.  Plan to go through dark blue to black and then back to blue again.  Would like a total row count to know how to plan ahead.

Blending back to dark blue, perhaps black again, after Round 3 Hearts.Work in progress, in reverse order.  That is, the most recent pictures of the shawl will be at the top.  See this post for the beginning of the project.

August 31, 2016

Worked on this while listening to a class about lawn grasses in the Piedmont.  Interesting, but not directly applicable to my yard.  Expect this violet yarn will just about make it through the end of the round, and then be done.  No idea where it came from.

Partway through round 3, hearts.  Lots of double yarn overs.

August 30, 2016

Blending violet into the navy as the shawl grows into Round 3, hearts.

Round three, shading to violet.  8/29/2016




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