I'm knitting ring 7, with 24 hearts. Longmire's back on Netflix! Made a lot of progress Sunday evening... This gold mohair blends better than I thought it might and it's way easier to live with than sunny yellow.
When this ring is done, the shawl will have 42 hearts, and it needs 49. Donna Druchunas has written an intarsia ring for the final 7 hearts, spaced out with honeycomb in the dark yarn.
I don't like intarsia. 53 people were injured, in addition to the 49 killed. I have some room to do something different:
576 stitches in these rings.
24*7=168 used for the 7 remaining large hearts.
576-168=408 available for something else. I need 53 little hearts. 408/53 is roughly 8. I can use 8 stitches per heart.
On to graph paper. I have 20 rows to play with in this ring; if I stack the hearts top and bottom, I can fit 3 in a 24-stitch repeat. Still playing with the math. Need to test a swatch to make sure it's stretchy enough. As planned, the hearts will be stockinette stitch with honeycomb in between, but I may need to reverse those stitches.