Peach & Blue Rose Bouquet
This bouquet was created from roses handmade from satin fabrics donated to a reuse center. Around the studio, we call it "the Clemson," because it is "blue & orange," but it's way prettier than the team uniform colors. The blue flowers have a faint jacquard pattern.
Each fabric flower is built on a wire stem. The leaves are made from a pale green satin. The bouquet is taped with florists tape. It could be cut apart and the flowers rearranged, or it could be dropped into a vase and be displayed as is.
The arrangement is roughly 12-14" in each direction. The glue is waterproof but this arrangement is intended for indoor use only; the fabrics are not treated for outdoor use and will fade in direct sunlight.
The bouquet will ship in a large carton packed with egg crate foam. It will need fluffing and adjusting when it arrives; the stems will bend and can be straightened.